Journal- Were political parties good during the time of Jefferson?
CNN student news
A time of Conflict notes
HW- 5.3 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- Were political parties good during the time of Jefferson?
CNN student news
A time of Conflict notes
HW- 5.3 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- How did Jefferson's inauguration demonstrate the changes he planned for the US government?
5.2- main ideas and timeline- Lewis and Clark
Brain Pop- Jefferson
HW- Chapter 5 section 2 checkpoint/vocab
Journal/ Essential question- Who's ideas were best for the nation Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans or Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists? Explain with evidence and why would it be important for that side to lead the nation.
CNN student news
Jefferson Takes Oath notes
Jefferson Takes Oath- close reading questions
HW- 5.1 checkpoint/vocab
Journal-Describe problems and that Washington and Adams ad during their time as President. And what effects did they have on the nation?
CNN 10
Chapter 4 Test
HW- Chapter 5 pre read
Journal- How did the first political parties emerge?
4.3 gallery walk notes
4.3 checkpoint/vocab
HW- 4.3 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- How did President Washington set the course for a new nation?
CNN 10
4.2 notes and
Review first election
HW- 4.1, 4.2 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- Could the Constitution be written without compromise?
Ratification questions
Review questions
Hw- STudy guide
Chapter 3 Test-
Periods 1,3-11/2
Periods- 4,5,6 11/3
Journal- did those in favor of the Constitution achieve its ratification?
Ratify notes
Ratify source
Chapter 3 study guide
Ratify source
Chapter 3 study guide
periods 1,3-11/2
Periods 4,5,6-11/3
Journal- Did the Articles of Confederation provide the US with an effective government?
CNN- student news
Nearpod- Constitutional Convention
Shay's Rebellion source questions
Finish Shay's Rebellion source questions
Chapter 3 section 2 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- Was the American revolution a radical revolution?
Articles of Confederation notes
Shay's rebellion source annotate
HW- chapter 3 section 1 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- Would of been apart of the revolution in 1776, why or why not?
Story of US-revolution
Chapter 3 section 1 reading questions
hw-Chapter 3 section 1 reading questions
Journal- Was the American Revolution for Independence about a revolt against taxes or equal rights from England?
Chapter 2 Test
HW-chapter 3 pre read
Journal- How did Americans win their independence?
Kahoot chapter 2
Ed puzzle- crashcourse -taxes and revolution
Chapter 2 review questions
Chapter 2 review questions
Chapter 2 study guide
Period 1,3- 10/8
Period 4,5,6-10/9
Journal- How did the Declaration of Independence create the foundation for the American Govt?
2.4- Battles of the American Revolution Gallery Walk
2.4 checkpoint/vocab
Chapter 2 study guide
10/8- Periods 1,3
10/9- Periods 4,5,6
Journal- What was the most significant cause of the American Revolution?
CNN 10
Cesar Chavez ed puzzle
Finish Gallery walk reflection question
Journal-How did Common Sense take from British traditions and enlightenment thinkers?
Gallery Walk- Causes of the American Revolution
HW-2.3 checkpoint/vocab
Journal-How did the outcome of the French and Indian War affect the colonies?
Finish the Road to Revolution Notes
French and Indian War questions
Common Sense 1
French and Indian War questions
Journal- How did the enlightenment affect peoples ideas about government?
CNN student news
Road to Revolution part 1
French and Indian War annotate
HW- French and Indian War annotate
Journal- How did the idea of liberty and freedom start in the colonies?
Chapter 2 section 2 notes
Story of US- rebels
HW- Chapter 2 section 2 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- Describe some American traditions and why they are important?
Review - pre read chapter 2
Nearpod- Scientific Revolution
2.1 reading questions
2.1 reading questions
Chapter 2 section 1 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- How did the 13 colonies develop economy and agriculture?
Chapter 1 Test
Hw- Chapter 2 pre read
Journal- How can shared ideas unite people of different backgrounds?
Kahoot chapter 1 review
Chapter 1 review questions
HW- Review questions
Study Guide for chapter 1 test
Per 1,3 - Test 9/3
Per 4,5,6- Test 9/4
Journal-How can one event or development affect people differently/
The first 13 colonies notes
Slavery comes to the colonies worksheet
Brain Pop-Building the 13 colonies
Brain Pop Quiz google form
chapter 1 section 4 checkpoint/vocab
Journal- How did Europeans benefit from the discovery of the Americans?
Nearpod- Jamestown
Jamestown did it happen- notes/write up
HW- Chapter 1 section 3 checkpoint vocab
Journal- How did European exploration link the Americas to other parts of the World?
Columbus Source- Questions
Atlantic Slave trade slides
HW-Atlantic Slave Trade Slides and questions