Journal- How did key people bring about reforms during this time period?
The fight against slavery-primary and secondary sources
Brain pop-underground railroad
8.2 test practice question
8.2 close notes
Journal-How will the Missouri Compromise threaten the separation of the North and the South?
Brain Pop- Market/ Industrial Revolution
Improving America discussion
8.1 close notes
pg 293 #1,2
Journal-How did Americans move West and how did this grow the debate over slavery?
Review HW
Crashcourse-market revoltuion
Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 8 Pre read
Journal-What do you think was the most important invention of the Industrial Revolution and why?
America Story of US- Division
Review Questions- pg 282 #1-20
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Review Questions pg 282 #1-20
Journal- How did factories lead to the growth of cities in the north during the Industrial Revolution?
Review 7.3
Moving Westward notes
Mill Times
Journal- How did urbanization and technology change the North during the Industrial Revolution?
Primary Source stations-7.3
Review Question
7.3 close notes
Journal- How did new technology of the Industrial Revolution change the way Americans lived?
Review 7.1 primary source
Industry in the North notes
Mill Times
pg 269 #1,2
Journal- What grade would you give Andrew Jackson as a President and why. What can you predict in the future because he was President?
Industrial Revolution- Part 1 and 2 notes
Mill Times
pg 261 #1,2